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Exercising 2.5 hours a week may slow Parkinson Exercising 2.5 hours a week may slow Parkinson's

At least 150 minutes of weekly exercise may help people suffering from Parkinson's disease by improving mobility impairment and health-related quality of life, a study has showed. ....

Men! Hit the gym for better bone health Men! Hit the gym for better bone health

Engaging in weight-bearing exercises such as resistance training and various types of jumps can help men protect their bone health, suggests new research. ....

\ 'BGR-34 most cost-effective Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes'

More than a year after its launch, BGR-34 remains the most cost-effective Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, claims a top executive of AIMIL Pharmaceuticals, which manufactures and markets the medicine. ....

This is how New Delhi This is how New Delhi 'superbug' spread can be tamed

If you are concerned about NDM-1 (New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1) or simply New Delhi 'superbug' that spreads in hospital settings and is resistant to all available antibiotics, here comes some promising news. ....

Your high BP might just be a case of misdiagnosis Your high BP might just be a case of misdiagnosis

Nearly 20 per cent of people receiving treatment for hypertension do not actually have a problem, but they are often misdiagnosed as a result of doctors using manual devices to measure blood pressure, a study has showed. ....

Smoking causes glaucoma, other eye diseases: Doctors Smoking causes glaucoma, other eye diseases: Doctors

As cases of glaucoma show a rising trend in India, opthalmologists blame smoking as one of the major reasons behind it. ....

Sleep apnea in kids may affect mental skills, behaviour Sleep apnea in kids may affect mental skills, behaviour

Children with chronically disrupted sleep are likely to have defects in their brain cells that are associated with mental skills, mood and behaviour, researchers have warned. ....

Maternal Vitamin D levels may prevent autism in kids Maternal Vitamin D levels may prevent autism in kids

Intake of Vitamin D supplements during the first trimester of pregnancy is likely to prevent the development of autism traits in children, researchers found in a study on mice. ....

Impulsive Facebook use may cause brain imbalance Impulsive Facebook use may cause brain imbalance

Do you have the habit of constantly checking Facebook or other social media sites while driving, in a work meeting, or at other times? Beware, it could lead to a deficiency in the balance between two systems in the brain, researchers warn. ....

New genetic test for inherited diseases launched New genetic test for inherited diseases launched

Med Genome, a company into genomics-based research and diagnostics, on Friday announced launch of a novel genetic screening test that could give couples a better understanding of risks in passing on genetic disorders to their children. ....

What binds the two most talked about nations - India and Pakistan together? What makes the

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