A 24-year-old Michele Koebke has taken that goal to an extreme. The Berlin native is currently preparing to beat the record for the world's smallest waist by using corsets daily, her current waist measuring a surprisingly small 16 inches. Michele Koebke believes that having her waist sinched within an inch of its life (literally) makes her more beautiful, graceful and womanly. Despite the fact that her waist is now smaller than a two-year-old's, (do two-year-old's even have waists) and she's seriously compromising her health, Michele says she will not stop constricting her organs and contorting her body until she beats the current world record of 15 inches for the world's tiniest waist. To date, she has shrunk her miniscule waist from 25 inches down to a sickening 16 inches. How has she achieved this? By wearing a corset around the clock, every single day for the past three years. The only time Michele removes her corset is to shower. She sleeps in it. She eats in it… despite the fact that her stomach is so restricted that she is incapable of eating a normal sized meal and instead she must eat 10 ant-sized meals per day. She can barely breathe in it. Michele often complains that she has difficulty breathing while wearing the corset, yet can't stand up straight without it. "I find it difficult to get up without my corset on and sometimes it can be difficult moving around. It does make me a bit slower. Sometimes I find it quite strenuous and I have to lean on something but I’m used to this."