Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern whose affair with Bill Clinton led to his impeachment, returned to public life today, giving her first speech in 13 years and joining Twitter.In an emotional address at Forbes' inaugural Under 30 summit in Philadelphia that recalled the 1998 sex scandal with Clinton, the 41-year-old brunette announced a campaign to end online bullying. Lewinsky told a packed auditorium that she became one of the earliest victims of cyber-bullying after she "fell in love" with Clinton. "I was Patient Zero," she said. "The first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the Internet."Her first tweet was "#HereWeGo" and her second tweet said she was "excited (and nervous) to speak" at the Forbes Under 30 Summit.obel peace laureate Malala Yousafzai is scheduled to speak at the same event tomorrow.arlier this year, Lewinsky broke her silence about her affair with Clinton, in a piece for Vanity Fair.