You will be shocked to read this news. Very very friendly, most accessible food item, which always finds its place on your kitchen cabinet is a slow poison. Mind you a slow poison, if the findings of some latest reports are an indication. Almost the whole country is enjoying 2 minutes Maggi funda for snacks, for breakfast but do you know that this favourite food is slowly poisoning your health. Yes, this cheap and tasty food has been found containing huge amount of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead. A few samples of Maggi were collected in Uttar Pradesh and tested for permissible ingredients. And the results have put to question an entire nation's health. The Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) asking to cancel the licence for Maggi. The temporary side-effects of the chemical include Nausea, Headaches, Burning sensation of the mouth and neck, Upset stomach, Body weakness and these harmful chemicals excessively damage human nervous system when consumed for longer period.