Are you planning to shed off extra kilos or planning to follow any diet plan. Then, Here is a good news for you. Now you can easily loose your weight by taking none other than, kitchen herbs in your daily diet. These herbs are not only good for your food but also have many health benefits. We start with Cumin. It is a widely used spice for cooking. It is a healthy spice and most people use it to add extra flavor to their food. However, this spice is famous not just for its taste, but also for its the health benefits. Cumin seeds benefits not only include physical benefits, but also others, like improving memory, reducing insomnia, better concentration and so on. According to new research, It is revealed that by eating 3 grams (a little less than 1 teaspoon) of cumin powder daily, swirled into 5 ounces of yogurt results into fast weight loss.