(Pictures are used for representation purpose only) Sticking to a single guy’s routine: Guys are generally undisciplined when they are single. Once a guy enters into a relationship, however, his girlfriend usually expects him to develop a slightly less disorganised lifestyle. Of course, she knows that miracles won’t happen overnight. But she expects changes for the better. Now, a man who refuses to change should not be in a serious relationship in the first place. But, if he wants to be in one, he must understand that life is not just about having a bath when he feels like, waking up when it suits him, having untidy clothes piled up in the living room and forgetting to throw empty pizza boxes which start stinking in the long run. If a man likes to stick to this bohemian lifestyle, he is free to do so. But if he wants to be in a relationship, he must understand that some bad things must come to an end. If not, the girl will start wondering why she is in the relationship. When that happens, bad news follows soon.