Have you noticed that your fingers are turning 'Pinky' lately as you are busy chatting and texting on smartphone? If yes then you are not alone."Smartphone Pinky" a perceived bend in the little finger on one's dominant hand - may occur is people who use the device for at least six hours a day, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. "Although the chances of a person permanently bending their finger through smartphone use are 'pretty slim', it would take a minimum of around six hours a day of an applied force on soft tissue to evoke change," Dave Parsons, clinical fellow at Curtin University in Australia, was quoted as saying.The bend is purported to have been caused by the weight of holding a smartphone with one's smallest finger at its base (while the other fingers support the phone along its longer side).According to Parsons, smartphone-related injuries are much more likely to occur at the other end of your hand.